K2pharm s.r.o. brings innovations and novelties to the market with food supplements and cosmetics. Our team of professionals is led by pharmacists and has for decades experience in the development and production of solid dosage forms such as tablets, capsules and pellets. There is state-of-the-art technology equipment, clean production facilities, analytical backgrounds and, in particular, access to new medical and clinical information that we try to implement in the development of new, modern formulations in a variety of pharmaceutical forms.
The aim of our work is to ensure the necessary bioavailability of the active substances in the human body and to reduce the number of side undesirable effects caused by, for example, inappropriate dosing of various products (inappropriate quantity and daily use), a combination of different products that can be adversely affected by the human body, etc. Every person is different, so therefore, it is in our interest to personalize the administration of drugs and make them tailored to our customers needs.
We cooperate with customers mainly from Czech Republic, then from Europe, but we also have some customers from 3rd World countries. In order to meet our clients' requirements for the quality of our products, we have implemented our HACCP quality management system and the principles of good manufacturing practice for food supplements and pharmaceuticals.
With each order, we provide our clients with a complete product certification that declares the correct content of active substances and the correct physicochemical and microbiological parameters that are in line with a valid legislation on food and cosmetics.
Extended information for our business partners.
Our company K2pharm s.r.o. regularly participates at Vitafoods Europe, a trade fair held in Switzerland, Geneva
We invite you on 17th - 19th May 2018 to our stand number L129 in Switzerland.
In the photo gallery you will find our laboratories and production area further information..
K2pharm s.r.o. is implementing the K2pharm s.r.o. Supporting Growth and Competitiveness project, which aims to acquire new technologies for the production of new products by K2pharm s.r.o. It involves the acquisition of three new modern technologies in the production process of the company. This project provides financial support from the European Union.